Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Creating Approval Users

Create an approval user to approve campaigns.

This task can only be carried out by administrators with the relevant administration permissions.


  1. From the Settings section of the slide-out navigation pane select Security.
  2. Select the folder you want to add the user to, or create a new folder if required.
  3. Click on the Security browse tree menu.

This menu is context sensitive

  1. Select New User.

The Create User dialog box appears.

  1. Enter the user details.

Mandatory fields are marked with an *. The email address given is used to send approval notifications to.

  1. Click on the drop-down arrow on the User Culture field to select a different user culture to the default applied of the system administrator.

User culture governs the way Date and Numeric format fields are displayed to the User. All fields will display the numeric value or date according to the selected User culture. Note that if the user culture German (Germany) or French (France) is selected then the user culture will also control the User Interface language to be German or French for these users respectively.


The format of a numeric field or date when that data is exported is governed by the locale of the application server. This is independent of any other defined date settings that relate to display and query formats.

  1. Click the Next button.

The user Logon is created. These are the first Logon credentials created for this User.

  1. Select one of the following three options to create new logons:
    1. Enter a Logon name and password details. Note you are creating a new Logon that can be applied to the User just created.
    2. Enter the application users' domain\windowsuserid for Windows authentication usage.
    3. Click Next to use an existing Logon for the User.

The list displayed all Logons currently on the system, but some may already be associated with a User. Note that a User can have multiple Logons associated with them, but a Logon can only be associated with one User. Adding a Logon already associated with a User will add that Logon to this User and remove from the current association.

  1. Click Next.

When the Logon details have been created, clicking cancel on this screen will not remove the Logon from the database, which is created when you click Next on the previous screen.

  1. Select the Logon(s) for the user.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Select the Permissions tab and click Edit.
  4. To create an approver, ensure the following permissions are available. Clear the Inherit check box and select the Allowed check box.
  • Access Approvals and Notes: Gives access to the Approvals and Notes screen for the selected campaign.
  • Access Campaign Manager: Allows access to Campaign manager.
  • Access Campaign View: Gives access to the Campaign View screen that shows approvers a list of outstanding campaigns requiring approval. From the Campaign View screen approvers can access the Approvals and Notes screen for a selected campaign or Campaign Manager for the selected campaign.

Approvers must have access to Campaign View, without it they are not able to access Approvals and Notes. Access to Approvals and Notes and Campaign Manager require allowed permissions for the group.

  • Approve Campaigns: Allows campaign approval.
  • Depending on your campaign structure, users should have access to the relevant functionality. To select this functionality, select the Allowed check box for the required permission.

The Approvals process does not lock the audience selected by the user setting it up, it simply locks the rules selected before approval is initially sought. It is recommended that the approvers and those setting up the campaigns have identical permissions, except the Campaign approval permission. This allows the approvers to view the campaign in the same way that it was set up by the user.

  1. Click Save.
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